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The 2019 Willis E. Lamb Award For the Unruh effect.
Awarded January 9th, 2019, at the 49th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics.

William G Unruh PhD under John Wheeler, Princeton U. 1971 Post doc with R Penrose 1971-72 Miller Fellow, UC Berkeley 1973-74 Asst Prof-- McMaster U 1974-76 Assoc Prof-Full Prof UBC 1976-present. Kramers Visiting Prof, U Utrecht-- Fall 2010 Hagler Fellow- Texas A&M U. 2018- Snr Research Fellow- Texas A&M 2021-2025. Various Prizes, Eg: Fellow Royal Soc Canada, Fellow Royal Soc (London), Foreign Hon Fellow AAAS, Fellow APS
Bio provided by William G Unruh, 2020.
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